TO LET McMahons Furniture Shop, The Lawn, Belturbet, Co. Cavan

It is seldom that a business premises of this caliber and quality is presented to the market. Formally McMahons Furniture and Fishingtackle Shop, this business had traded successfully for 79years and just closed doors to business in April of this year. Currently in the market for lease, it comprises of two units on the ground floor one of 648sqft the second unit of 756sqft with identical sized units immediately above. Adjoining these two units is a dwelling house on two levels of some 860sqft behind which is an enclosed yard of 1100sqft approx. this is an ideal opportunity to acquire the lease on a prestige property in a prized location, which can be used for a multitude of business purposes. Rental for the complete package as is, or can be sub divided into a number of units as suits.
Price on Application